Posting Santa Letters
The children in P.1 - 4 went down to the village today to post their letters to Santa. It was very exciting and the post will deliver the letters to Reindeerland. We had to bend the envelope slightly as it was too big to fit into the magical North Pole Box in the Post Office.
Santa will soon ring the school to check if the boys and girls have been naughty or nice, so everyone will be extra good the next two weeks. The P.4's sent a general letter to Santa as most of them had already sent their letter. The P.1-3 children sent individual letters which the teachers were so proud off so we think it would be nice to send them home in their bags tomorrow so that the parents can see the lovely writing and attempts at spelling.
So far this year the children have been very good and I hope Santa can fill his sleigh with lots of 'goodies' for the children at St Peter's.