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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Letter to Parents/Guardians

18th May 2020

18TH May 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians

We are now in Week 8 of Home Schooling and everyone is doing their best, some of you may be loving the challenge and for others it may have its good and bad days. If anyone feels they need more support please google and there is an article on Home Schooling Tips for Parents and ideas to keep your child occupied or contact the school using the info account.  

As Home schooling may continue to be an option in September (presently we do not know what school will be like but we know that it will not be the norm and await guidance from Dept. of Educ.) I need to ascertain figures for the Dept of Education as to how many children have no access to internet connection. Please email the info account at St Peter’s if you have no internet access and the reason why.


I have included a link to some very good Covid specific resources from Midletown Centre for Autism that are available on their website that could be used with your child. These include social stories, games, stories, visual supports and resources from a wide variety of sources for children, young people, parents and carers.

In addition, there are many articles, details of research and training/CPD materials for parents, well worth a look if you get chance, and very suitable where pupils are experiencing difficulties from the changes around them at present.

One activity I would like to highlight is ‘My staying at home log’ as this would be a great keepsake for children (God willing) to look back on in future years.  These include social stories, games, stories, visual supports and resources from a wide variety of sources for children, young people, parents and carers.

Kindness Week

This week May 18 -24 is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is kindness. Kindness has been chosen as it strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solitary. The Mental Health Foundation defines kindness ‘as doing something towards yourself and others, motivated by genuine desire to make a positive difference.’ We are witness to this through our Keyworkers and others in society who go that extra mile.

As a school we are asking all classes P1 –P7 to draw a picture or take a photo that shows an action of kindness and post via Seesaw or send to the info account. On the website their will also be ideas for the children to complete during Kindness week.

During this week (with adult Permission) you can share your stories/pictures of kindness using

#kindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.


A link to Ineqe in relation to gaming that you may find useful to share with parents given there could be a lot of children gaming more than they used too.

Also in the news items there is a link to the Family Hub Support, alcohol information and online safety.

Year 7 Mass

Thursday 4th June was to be Fan the Flame Mass, where we come together to celebrate all of the young people in our diocese who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and who are preparing to move to the next stage of their education. Unfortunately, that will not be possible this year.

However to mark the end of their primary education, Bishop McKeown will celebrate the 10am Mass in Saint Eugene’s Cathedral for them that day. The Gospel of the day is the Beatitudes. 

Please read the other news items posted on the web today – some very useful material.



I am also attaching some prayers which you may find helpful at this time.

Prayer to St Dymphna 

Patron Saint of Anxiety and Mental Illness

Good St Dymphna, great wonder-worker in every affliction of mind and body. 

I humbly implore your powerful intercession with Jesus through Mary, 

the health of the sick, in my present need (Mention it).

Saint Dymphna, martyr of purity, patroness of those who suffer with nervous and mental afflictions, 

beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray to them for me and obtain my request .

(Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be). Saint Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.

Prayer to Our Lady of Mental Peace

Mother of tranquillity, Mother of hope, Our Lady of Mental Peace. 

We reach out to you for what is needful in our weakness.

Teach a searching heart that God’s love is unchanging, 

 that human love begins and grows by touching God’s love.


Again if anyone needs support or has a query you can email the school account.

Take Care and be Kind to yourself and remember everyone (including you) are doing their best,

