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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Back to school

2nd Sep 2024
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

Welcome back to a brand-new school year! We are thrilled to have you all with us as we embark on another exciting journey of learning, growth, and discovery. A special warm welcome goes out to our new Primary 1 children, who are joining us for the first time. We are so happy to have you as part of our school family and can't wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish!

As we start this new chapter together, let us take a moment to offer a small prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of a new school year. Bless our students, especially our Primary 1 children, as they begin their educational journey. Grant them curiosity, courage, and joy in learning. Bless our teachers and staff with wisdom, patience, and a spirit of service. May our school be a place of safety, love, and growth for everyone. Guide us all in Your light and help us to support one another in faith and friendship. Amen.

We look forward to a wonderful year ahead!

Best regards,
Miss Falls