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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Assembly - Beginning a New Chapter

2nd Sep 2024

The children and staff gathered in the hall today for their First Assembly to ask for God's blessing on all of us as we begin the new school year. This is a special year for St Peter's as it marks the 50th Anniversary of the school and a delightful milestone to welcome fifteen P.1 children to the school community. The Yr 7 children brought symbols to the Sacred Space; 

    - a school jumper representing our togetherness in St peter's Primary School

    - school books as we are learning together

    - a football as we are playing together

     - a tambourine as we sing and play music together

     - the school bell as it brings all classes together at break and dinner time

     - a cross as we pray together

     - a candle to represent the light of God in our hearts.

As we start a new school year let's follow the motto of St Peter's 'Growing and Learning Together' and give thanks for our school and pray that as a school community we will continue to thrive.

Loving God,

We thank you for bringing us all together at the beginning of another school year.

Send your spirit upon us to be our helper and guide.

May the seeds of knowledge planted in us grow in faith and love.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen