Anti Bullying Week.
The theme for Anti Bullying Week is 'RESPECT'. When we talk about Respect, we talk about showing that you value someone including their feelings, views and opinions, even if they are different to yours. we also accept and understand others. We also highlight the importance of adults' role modelling respectful behaviour and language - we no longer use the term bully but a child displaying bullying type behavious.
The week started with an assembly on the importance of respect and that everyone has the choice to choose respect.
The children wore odd socks to school to celebrate acceptance and difference.
They listened to the respect song from Andy at assembly.
They also went to the cinema to watch migration and see how by working together the ducks were free from a boss displaying bullying behavious.
The Yr 4 - 7 children took part in a Hip Psycology Workshop which allowed the children to work through various scenarios relating to addressing Bullying.
Classes also used the Anti Bullying resources to discuss the importance of everyone playing a role in preventing bullying type behaviours and what to do if you need to talk to someone.
The Yr 6/7 were also told about the importance of staying safe online and to be aware of catfishing.
Also this year we are investing a lot of time training all staff and are currently reviewing our St Peter’s Anti – Bullying Policy. Remember the first step is to discuss with your child’s class teacher, do not let problems build. The children will also complete a questionnaire on bullying. At school we inform them about addressing bullying and how to respond to situations but it is essential that parents discuss this positively at home and reinforce the work at school.
This week we are delighted that the children in Yr. 4 -7 will obtain a workshop from Hip Psycology Ireland on the theme of Bullying. This will be a live online workshop with other schools and will allow the children time to reflect and discuss on various scenarios.
During this week the Yr 4 – 7 children will also receive a booklet – ‘ Sfety Steps4Life’ which was kindly sponspored by Mr James Conaghan. The book covers many safety themes – Road Safety, Fire Safety, online safety and Bullying. and is a very easy read for your child. It is important that you read the booklet with your child.
Also during Anti Bullying week the children in Yr 1 – 7 will receive a workshop on Diwali to inform them about other cultures.