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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Leavers' Assembly/Annual Prizegiving

25th Jun 2024

Friday saw us bid farewell to our Primary 7 class. They prepared a lovely assembly on “Growing into the best we can be” and it took part in the hall in front of family. A special word of thanks to Fr Donnelly our school chaplin and Chair of the Board of Governors for helping to present the End of Year Awards and sharing his wisdom with the children.

Our Primary 7 children Amelia, Annie, Cahir, Casi, Catlin, Cleiona, Evan, Grace, Grainne and Patrick had their last assembly in St. Peter's. The theme of today's assembly was 'Let No One Steal Your Dreams'. 

The staff of St Peter's wish Amelia, Annie, Cahir, Casi, Catlin, Cleiona, Evan, Grace, Grainne, Patrick every happiness and success in the next stage of their exciting journey. We hope that they will continue to grow and learn together in God's Love. 

Be strong, be clever but above all be YOU and 
remember that you are all different
but AMAZING in YOUR own unique way.

We also thank Bree Mc Bride our past pupil for attending and presenting prizes at Prizegiving. Bree has and is excelling on the football pitch. Bree has played Tyrone County Minor and was captain of the Loreto All Ireland Winning Team. She is a great inspiration to the young children that your dreams can be achieved. Keep up the great work Bree.

Attached you will find a list of the children who got prizes.