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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

GAA Coaching

Coming from an area steeped in GAA tradition, we are very proud to represent Glenelly GAA. We receive expert coaching from Tyrone County Board and from the local club. On a Wednesday K.S.2 receive coaching from Fiachra McNulty - Ulster G.A.A. and on Friday Sean O’Kane visits school.

Fiachra coaches P5 -7 .Sean O’Kane takes P1-2 on a Friday morning and P3-7 in the afternoon. This is something that we find benefits the children and the school. Physical activity in general is such a benefit to the pupils that we find this high intensity and highly skilled exercise great for everyone. 

During these sessions our children are taught more than how to play football. The skills they are taught for problem solving, spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, balance and teamwork are skills that all transfer to the class, as well as the pitch.

We are delighted to fly the 5 star award flag for G.A.A. excellence.



14th Mar 2025
Following on from information in The March Newsletter The Dept. of Education has...
26th Feb 2025
Our girls travelled to The Station Centre in Omagh today to take part in the Indoor...
7th Oct 2024
Our Primary 6/7 children attended a blitz at Urney pitch today, organised by Tyrone...